Wednesday 23 June 2010

Busy hands

That's me. Well, that was me, last weekend. Boyfriend was out for a big chunk of Saturday and I had the flat all to myself. And what is a girl to do in those circumstances apart from doing all the things she enjoys? Well just that of course! So I finished off some things I'd been thinking about making for a while, and jumped right into others. Wanna see?

Well first there's the birthday cards. I'd made one a few weeks ago for Boyfriend's dad and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed cutting out all the necessary letters from old magazines. Guess it was a little bit of a flash back to childhood crafting! So I made my scissory way through an old magazine, and here you have it!

Then, I decided it was time I tried out this recipe I'd seen in a Good Food magazine not long ago. Rhubarb and vanilla jam. Now, I can't tell you if it tastes nice because I haven't had any yet, but I can't see how it could have gone wrong. Ah, actually, thinking about it, I've just realised I forgot to add the lemon juice. Oops. Oh well, three and a bit jars of it, I'm a happy bunny. This is the official start of my preserving effort for 2010!! (Hopefully I won't forget any ingredients next time...!)

And finally, there was a lot of crochet action. Here's a photo of Caerphilly I took on Sunday. There are now 80 squares. 80!!!! Wow, that's rather scary I think, don't you?!  I have to admit, I'm dreading the assembling process... I couldn't do this join-as-you-go thing, because I wanted to explore all the colour combinations methodically first.

So there you have it, a rather nervous Petit Filoux with jammy fingers and a rather large collection of birthday cards.


Unknown said...

Wow - you have been a very busy bee.

I made that jam a month or so ago (from the same recipe) and it turned out just fine, tho alittle sweet. I think I'll try making Raspberry Jam next time.

Go Caerphilly is looking fantastic - how many more squares do you think you'll need to make before you start to put it all together?

Petit Filoux said...

Not sure yet, until I run out of yarn I guess!!
I had the jam with some muffins (UK type) this morning and i can say it was pretty lush! Love to see the specks from the vanilla too!

The Girl said...

Haha the crochet bug has well and truly taken hold!! I was absolutely dreading the joining together part of the blanket but once I got into it and figured out what the hell I was doing it was fine.

Loving those birthday cards too, it's been a long time since I went through magazines cutting out letters!

Liz said...

My top tip for assembling crochet squares is to whip stitch (I think also called over stitch) them together not too tightly through one side of the crochet loop. It's a pretty quick method and you get a lovely flexible join (so your blanket will have good drape).