A little bit about me

Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I'm ever so happy to have you here!!! Here's a little about me and what it's all about.

Basically, I'm in my mid-twenties, I live in Hertfordshire and commute to London for work. In this blog I try and share with you my passion for knitting, various others crafts, cooking and anything that I deem appropriate! I hope you enjoy it as much as me. In terms of the knitting side of things, you can find me on Ravelry as PetitFiloux. In terms of the cooking (can I you tell I love all things to be organised?!), have a look at My Recipe page where you'll find all the recipes I've blogged about. Get cooking my darlings and let me know how you get on! Actually, talking about those recipes, I'm not always good at giving proper directions/ measurements, so if you'd like to try a recipe but aren't sure about something, just leave me a message.

Talking about messages, do leave me some, I love to hear what you think! I'll reply in the comments page, so don't forget to come back and have a look. Comments really are important to me, it's nice to know that I'm not just talking to myself, and I also value your opinions, so get typing! Sorry, didn't mean to tell what to do there, just don't be shy :-)

Petit Filoux