Thursday, 13 May 2010

Happy tissues

I hope you don't get angry with me for this, but I often look at other people's blogs and decide I absolutely have to make whatever it is they're doing, whether it be food or crafting. I guess this fits in with the swaping life/ house/ job mentionned yesterday!! I just get like that, cravings and stuff. I guess it could be seen as stealing, but it's not really, it's Inspiration. So thank you all!!! :-) No but honestly that's what it's all about isn't? I talked about the yogurt thing yesterday and it's true, through blogging you discover things you'd never have thought about, you broaden your horizons and get other people's opinions. That's simply invaluable. Now, enough of this. I was saying all this because I saw something on a blog last week, and that was it.

The blog? Mooncalf Makes. The object of my desire? The babette blanket. Totally. But don't get your hopes up. I didn't have the time or inclination (or cash for that matter) to start one of these at the weekend. I did however make a couple of the tissue pouches.

Because it's just too cute. One of these rather unnecessary things in life, but let's face it, it's just too adorable. I think one will be going to a friend, the other to my mum.

And I might have to make a third for myself like the one above. Or maybe I'll just keep it. Because those stripes? They make me Very happy indeed :-)


jane said...

Those are so sweet!
I completely agree - one of the best things about reading blogs is the inspiration and ideas you can get from people near and far. And Mooncalf makes is definitely one such blog - everything she makes is incredible! One day you will make your own Babette i'm sure :)

Unknown said...

Morning - how did the Crochet Group go yesterday? Hope you had fun.

I was gonna steal this very same thing from Mooncalf Makes - I thought it was such a great idea and when I get a spare minute, I'm gonna try my hand at knitting one (or maybe two depending on how easy they are to knit).

Yours have turned out great. The stripes look fab, but I personally prefer the Aqua coloured one at the top.

Blogs are definitely places for finding great inspiration (and friends).

The Girl said...

It's all about the inspiration. Hell I wouldn't be crocheting if it wasn't for the blogosphere (and oh sometimes how I curse the day I ever became immersed). Like the stripy tissue pocket most of all methinks.

(Re: your comment on my last post. I hear you about the exercise thing but my ankle is still not gym ready, it's only just managing the walk in and out of work each day so at least I'm doing a couple of miles a day! My main problem is less exercise and more about shovelling obscene amounts of food in my gob which is what I'm trying to get under control first!)

Anonymous said...

ooooh I like those very much but they're knitted right?
I'm going to have to learn to knit!!
Em xx

mooncalf said...

Aww more happy tissues!

Mine are in my bag right now and they do give me a little lift when I see them. I'm glad other people are making their own happy tissues.

And it is so not stealing - isn't sharing the crafting enjoyment what blogs are for?