Thursday, 28 October 2010

Star item

I don't know about you, but when I find something that works for me, I like to tell the world about it. More precisely and more within my reach, I like to tell my friends and then you, my lovely blog readers. Interested in said item for today's post? It's not going to sound very interesting to the unsuspecting reader but bear with me, it might be that little something that helps make your life just that bit smoother. Am I playing on words? I might just be...

Not quite sure what it is still? Well, let me introduce you to glass nail files. If you're anything like me, you might recognise the following pattern: your nails break or become uneven, but you hate filing your nails because you never have a brand new nail file at hand, and let's face it, once you've used the standard cardboard one a couple of times, it's all used up along the edges and so pretty useless to tackle most nail filing activities. It's rubbish and it annoys you. You put it off and end up with hands that could belong to a builder. Lush. One day, you decide that enough is enough and you will spend a little more to try this different type of nail file that you've read about.

This is my story. I've had this for a couple of months now and all I can say is that I love it. Now, if I didn't convince you to try the Mooncup, I just hope you might trust me a little more with this one. Once again, this will not only improve your experience of something which has to be done on a fairly regular basis, but it will also reduce the amount of waste you send to landfill (it is guaranteed 10 years!) and will save your purse a few quid too. What's not to like!?!


Ali said...

I've had one for quite a while and I love it too. In fact, I find it very hard to use the paper one in my handbag for emergencies - just doesn't file as smoothly.

jane said...

i love them too! my nails are a permanent disaster zone though as despite the knowledge of how to take care of them, i'm not good at bothering. and i don't know why, but they grow SO fast! it's actually ridiculous.

Rachel said...

Me too! I've been using glass nail files for a few years now and would never use anything else, they're fabulous! Just don't drop them on a hard floor ;) (Even if you do break one, you can file down the sharp edges with sandpaper and then still use it!) Definitely worth the investment.

Lizzy said...

yes these are great, had one until my daughter dropped it and broke in two. waht I need is something to get the garden mud out from around the cuticles - any ideas?

Petit Filoux said...

I'm afraid I don't have a garden, so I can't really think of anything! Have you tried soaking your hands in warm water to dissolve the mud? Maybe one of my readers can be of more help?

The Curious Cat said...

Love all your little recommendations! And your reasons for why - you are very convincing... I'm terrible though...I bite my nails and file them with my teeth! Ew I know! Still, as I near the big 30...I'm thinking more about taking better care of my body so worth