Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Travels of the body and the mind

2012 has already been full of surprises for the Petit Filoux household. Amongst those, promised travels.

I shall tell more about this when the time comes, but until then I am preparing myself for travels of both a physical and spiritual nature. I would say wish me luck, but above anything, it is courage and strength that I need. Heeps of it.

I don't mean to be all cryptic here, but let's just say my road to happiness is full of obstacles. All of which I need to be prepared to face all on my own, with noone else's help but my own determination.


Ruthcrafts said...

(Happy to be the first comment :) Bon courage, my dear - I'll look forward to hearing your stories when you can share them, but in the meantime, I wish you well in overcoming obstacles and facing daunting prospects!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you good luck, courage and strength for all your journeys of mind or body. A

Anonymous said...

Overcoming challenges will make your travels even more rewarding and special.

The Curious Cat said...

Exciting times!!! :) xxx

Unknown said...

the map is promising... good luck!