Cleaned the house, changed the bed sheets, put a couple of clothes washes on – there may only be one of us living here at the moment but it’s funny (well not really) how much crap/ washing up/ tidying up one person generates…
Paid a visit to some relatives. It was clearly a time for tulips, their living room was full of them already. You can’t beat those colours, so cheerful, full of hope. Makes up for the garden still covered in white snow...
Ended the weekend with the best fish pie ever, and I can’t take any credit for it (so no recipe I’m afraid! Although I was told it was a Jamie Oliver one). Either way, very healthy and very tasty. Wish I could have brought some home with me!
All in all, a lovely weekend. Getting stuff sorted out and back in their place, as opposed to doing anything "fun" as such, but all very necessary. And I don't know about you, but I can't get creative and allow myself to get my crafting supplies out until both my house and mind feel organised. So I guess that was the first step, right?