Monday, 16 April 2012

Back home in bloom

I'm back home after nearly 3 weeks down in sunny Western Autralia. That's why things have been so silent over here. I had an amazing time, it's such a fantastic country, but I'll save telling you about it for some other time. I'm still readjusting to UK life on my own. I had to leave Mr PF behind, but at least it won't be long until he's home again.

It's been so nice coming back to this country with the sun shining and all the trees in bloom. The temperatures aren't quite up to scratch, especially compared to Perth standards which I very easily got used to! But nonetheless, it's a beautiful place to live, and I'm enjoying every second of it.

I couldn't help but try to bring a few little outdoor blooms indoors, and it cheers me up no end to see all this colour. I haven't had a chance to catch up with anybody's blogs yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll get a feast of spring beauty.

Ladies, I'm back :-)


Ali said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

The Curious Cat said...

Welcome home! I wondered where you had disappeared to! I want stories now you