Wednesday 16 December 2009

Mon beau sapin, roi des forêts

My beautiful tree. I love it. It's beautiful. Even if I do say so myself ;-)

It cute and short, and it's alive. Yep, I like a live tree in my flat. Mostly because it means it doesn't drop its needles, but it's also nice to think it's alive and well (and can be replanted after the holidays should I wish to).

A couple of years ago, my mum brought my some ornaments. They're very special to me and it definitely brought a smile on my face to get them out again this year. I hope I get to keep them for years to come.

Presents have also started to accumulate at the bottom of the tree...

See the triangle one on the right? That's my nan's shawl. Unfortunately, I learned yesterday she won't be able to come this year, which makes me really sad. Hopefully, something will get sorted out.

Anyway, see the blue package? It's actually made of fabric! I won it from this lovely lady (thanks again FrenchFrogTouch!) and it's great. For all of you out there who know how to sew, it's such a brilliant idea, so ecofriendly!! And that tag is so cute, I love it!

Oh, and one last thing. Completely different topic though!! Did anyone watch Jamie's Christmas programme last night? How cringe worthy was it???!! I usually quite enjoy watching him, but last night was something else - bringing people on who obviously have nothing very interesting to say and feel uncomfortable in front of a camera, what was the point?!


The Girl said...

Hello christmas tree!! He's lovely and so nice that you can re-plant him, I think I'm going to feel very sad and ever so guilty chopping mine up at the end of Christmas.

I didn't watch Jamie's Christmas programme but that's because he irritates the skin off me :)

Lucy Pursglove-Jones said...

I missed Jaimie last night I'm afraid. Wow what a pretty tree, it looks brilliant :) x

Unknown said...

Very beautiful! I love it. Merry Christmas!